English follows after Japanese
2012年 8月15日、ついに アメリカでの治療を引き継いでくれる慶応大学病院の K先生と会いました。親切でとても優しい感じの方です。とても病状を心配しています。
環境の変化は 私のからだに大きな負荷をかけます。
ドクターガーバーが言ったように、7月中旬に病気は再燃しました。今はステロイド 15mg を維持しています。
渋谷で 一人友達を待っていたら、低血糖症をおこしてしまいました。
血糖値をあげるには何か食べ物を取ればいいのですが、渋谷駅のハチ公前でどこに行ったら良いかさっぱりわからず。JRの駅員さんにコンビニの場所を聞くも、交番へ行ってくださいと冷たく言われました。。。友達も電話に出ないし…この時 私は歩くこともままならない状態でした。
やっぱり 東京にひとりでいくのは ちょっと危ないかもと反省しました。片道2時間かかるしね。
今日慶應義塾大学病院から難病申請に必要な書類が届きました。診断はウェゲナー肉芽腫症 および チャーグストラウス症候群す。
政府の公費補助申請にはウェゲナーで申請します。CSSは公費の対象ではないからです。自己負担額は毎月 11,000円と少しで、それ以上は公費でまかなわれることになります。
On August 15th, 2012, I finally saw Dr. K at Keio Univ. Hospital who took over the medical treatment from Cidars-Sinai. He was really nice, kind and gentle and really worried about how my condition was.
It is a big burden for my body to get accustomed to changing environment.
He told that the disease came back in mid-July as Dr. Garber saw, and let me stay steroid 15 mg for 2 weeks.
I have been feeling good, but I’m suffering from crazy appetite which makes me nuts seriously! (Side effect)
Can’t Get Used To
I am trying to get back the real life in Tokyo. But Tokyo was kinda hard for me I would say…
Tokyo people are so busy, pushed from behind several time, because I was walking slowly, but they didn’t say anything with a glance.
No One Gave Me a Help in Shibuya
I got low blood sugar and got dizzied seriously in Shibuya when I was waiting for friends alone at night, and nobody reached me but a stupid drunken guy who asked me out. Nasty!!!
I needed to take something to eat to develop blood sugar level, but I was a completely stranger around Hachiko exit in Shibuya. Even though I asked help from the JR train station guy at the gate, he coldly said “There is a police station behind. You can ask them where the convenience store is.” My friend didn’t pick up my several calls. I was barely able to walk.
I just started walking toward Center-Gai. I thought there was some stores there. but before reaching there, I found a Starbucks in front of Scramble X-ing.
I got a pack of sandwich in my extremely trembling hands. People was just watching me with their disgusting look. Friends eventually got to pick me up there and took a taxi for their place. I was rescued. I felt much better and trembling was gone when we arrived there.
I don’t want to blame, but I feel like terrible homesick of Orange County.
I learnt that traveling to Tokyo alone might be too dangerous for me. It takes 2 hours from my parents’ anyway.
Apply for Financial Aid
Today, the documents from Dr. K at Keio University Hospital was delivered and I am finally going to submit all the documents for Federal Intractable Disease Program. I was diagnosed as Churg-Strauss Syndrome and Wegener Granulomatosis at Keio-Univ.
I am going to submit all the documents as a WG patient, because CSS is not on the list of financial support program.
I will own only approxmately $140 a month and then Government will pay further expense if accepted.
今日も 最後まで読んでくれて ありがとうございました💕
with 膠原病 EGPA
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Lisa Dee -前向きリサ☀︎カリフォルニア
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